Workers` compensation is an insurance policy that provides coverage to employees who get injured on the job. Employees are legally entitled to receive benefits that help them recover from their injuries, including medical care, wage replacement, and rehabilitation services. However, the question arises whether workers` compensation covers contractors or not?

The answer is not straightforward because it depends on the type of contractor and the state`s laws. In general, workers` compensation insurance policies are designed to cover employees, not independent contractors. But, some states require employers to extend workers` compensation coverage to certain types of contractors.

Let`s explore the different types of contractors and how their coverage varies under workers` compensation policies.

Independent Contractors

Independent contractors are self-employed individuals who work for themselves and not for any specific employer. They provide their services on a contract basis, and they are not entitled to receive the same benefits as employees. They are not covered under the workers` compensation policies of the clients they work for, and they are responsible for their own insurance policies.

However, some independent contractors can purchase their own workers` compensation policies. If they work in hazardous occupations, they may want to consider obtaining coverage to protect themselves from the financial consequences of an injury.

Temporary Workers

Temporary workers are hired by a staffing agency or a temp agency, and they are placed in different roles in different organizations. In most cases, temp workers are covered under the workers` compensation policies of the staffing agency or the temp agency, not the organization they are working for.

In some states, the organization that hires the temporary worker may be required to provide workers` compensation coverage for them. However, this varies from state to state, and employers should check with their state`s labor department to find out what their obligations are.


Subcontractors are independent contractors who work for a general contractor. The general contractor is responsible for providing workers` compensation coverage for all workers on the job site, including subcontractors. However, if the subcontractor has their own workers` compensation policy, they may be exempt from coverage under the general contractor`s policy.


Freelancers are self-employed individuals who provide services on a project-by-project basis. They are not covered under workers` compensation policies because they are not employed by anyone. They are responsible for their own insurance policies.


In conclusion, the coverage of workers` compensation policies for contractors depends on the type of contractor and the state`s laws. Independent contractors and freelancers are not covered under workers` compensation policies. Temporary workers may be covered under the staffing agency`s policy or the employer`s policy, depending on the state`s laws. Subcontractors may be covered under the general contractor`s policy if they don`t have their own policy.

Employers should consult with their state`s labor department and an insurance agent to determine their obligations under workers` compensation laws. Contractors should consider obtaining their own workers` compensation policies to protect themselves from the financial consequences of an injury.