The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, more commonly known as NATO, was established in 1949 to act as a military alliance between North American and European countries. Created in the aftermath of World War II, the alliance was designed to counter the Soviet Union`s expansionist policies and promote peace and stability in the region. So, what was the main agreement made with the establishment of NATO?

The main purpose of NATO was to establish collective defense among its members. The alliance was founded on the basis of Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which states that an attack on one member is an attack on all members. This principle was meant to deter aggression against member countries and prevent the spread of conflict in the region.

Another agreement made in establishing NATO was the commitment to increasing military spending. Member countries pledged to dedicate at least 2% of their GDP to defense spending, with the goal of maintaining a strong and capable military force to protect the alliance`s interests. This commitment remains an important part of the alliance today.

In addition to its military objectives, NATO also aimed to build political and economic cooperation among its members. This was seen as essential to creating a long-lasting peace in Europe. The alliance created a forum for member countries to work together on issues of common interest and to promote economic growth and stability in the region.

Overall, the main agreement made with the establishment of NATO was to create a strong military alliance among North American and European countries to prevent aggression and promote stability in the region. This was accomplished through the commitment to collective defense, increased military spending, and political and economic cooperation among its members. These goals remain central to the alliance today, as NATO continues to play an important role in maintaining peace and security in Europe and beyond.